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Why ConsentPlace matters for Brands.

This post outlines the advantages of using explicit consent for data processing from a legal, cost-effective, and brand reputation perspective. Legal Compliance and Cost Efficiency: Emphasizes the legal necessity of obtaining explicit consent under laws like the GDPR and CCPA, highlighting ConsentPlace as a solution that significantly reduces the cost per consent... Learn more

Consentization Programs for Brands.

Recruiting explicit consents is pivotal for brands in the US due to legal requirements, consumer trust, and operational efficiency. ConsentPlace introduces specialized programs to assist brands in this endeavor, utilizing three innovative mechanisms. Integrated Customer-Brand Journey: A process that rewards users for their explicit consent via a fully customized... Learn more

“The consumer demand for services like ConsentPlace is clear.” – Wade Jubrey, Kearney.

The Kearney report highlights a significant shift in consumer attitudes towards personal data monetization and the emergence of new business models that reward individuals for sharing their data. Key insights include. Increasing Willingness to Monetize Data: There’s been a substantial rise in consumer willingness to monetize their data, jumping from 32% in 2019 to 69%... Learn more

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